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concurrent programming中文是什么意思

用"concurrent programming"造句"concurrent programming"怎么读"concurrent programming" in a sentence


  • 并发程序设计
  • 并行程序设计


  • Learn to avoid problems common in concurrent programming
  • This month , brian goetz shows you how many concurrent programs will benefit from simply replacing
  • Now , however , concurrent programming is common practice , and you need to be aware of the pitfalls
  • This article describes some potential problems due to non - reentrancy of the function in parallel and concurrent programming
  • The end result is that if you use the concurrent programming features of the java programming language , then you need to document them thoroughly
  • Jiangjun tang ( computer software and theory ) directed by huimin lin a method for selecting test synchronization sequences for concurrent programs is presented
  • 3 pnueli a . a temporal logic of concurrent programs . theoretical computer science , 1981 , 13 : 45 - 60 . 4 mcmillan k l . symbolic model checking
    符号化的模型检测技术利用二叉图binary decision diagram表示状态转换关系,降低了系统模型所需的内存空间。
  • Concurrent programming in java by doug lea addison - wesley , 1999 is a masterful book on the subtle issues surrounding multithreaded java programming . synchronization and the java memory model
    ( addison - wesley , 1999年) ,是一本围绕用java编写多线程程序的微妙问题进行讨论的专业书籍。
  • Save your code from meltdown using powerpc atomic instructions developerworks , november 2004 ; it describes techniques for safe concurrent programming in powerpc assembly language
    ( developerworks , 2004年11月)中的深入介绍;它描述了使用powerpc汇编语言进行安全并发程序设计的技术。
  • These changes greatly strengthen the utility of immutable objects in concurrent programs ; immutable objects finally become inherently thread - safe as they were intended to be all along , even if a data race is used to pass references to the immutable object between threads
    这些改变极大地加强了并发程序中不变对象的效用,不变对象最终成为固有的线程安全(就像它们所要成为的那样) ,即使使用数据争用在线程之间将引用传递给不变对象。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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